EcoChem Specialty Chemicals was founded in 1995. Initially focused on the environmental industry, it has evolved as a specialty and fine chemicals supplier for a variety of industries like personal care, pharma, analytical, textile, general chemical and food among others.
We are committed to continuing the search for principals so as to being able to widen the number and quality of solutions we offer to our customers.
In 2017 we upgraded our ISO certification to the ISO 9001:2015 version. This will allow us to continue standardizing and optimizing all our processes so as to being able to meet the quality requirements of our customers.
More information:
Certification ISO 9001:2015 


EcoChem Specialty Chemicals is a net importer and trading company of Specialty Chemicals, Fine Chemicals, HPLC Columns, SPE Sorbents and Analysis Kits for the environmental and food industry. Our main objective is to establish and develop mutually beneficial, long term and trust based relationships with our customers, suppliers and collaborators.
Our mission is framed by the following corporate values:
  • Integrity
  • Commitment ( to our work, our customers, suppliers and colleagues)
  • Professionalism


In 2020 EcoChem Specialty Chemicals will continue being recognized by the analytical and chemical industry as a trustworthy partner because of the quality of its products, solutions and of its excellent service.